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Category archives: Retrospective

Future Proof Podcast 007 - Business Meeting Edition

Future Proof Podcast 007 - Business Meeting Edition

This is a special episode! You'll notice it's much longer than our usual 15 minutes—that's because we're actually having a business meeting during the podcast. It was originally recorded on December 10, 2018, but the holidays interfered a bit with editing and transcribing.

We had an internal refocusing meeting back ...

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Crashing and Burning on Multiple Simultaneous Projects

Crashing and Burning on Multiple Simultaneous Projects

Our plan for the last few years has been to work on multiple projects at once. When Gregory worked full time on Future Proof projects, this kept them from feeling drained working on the same thing day in and day out. Now that we're both indefinitely part time, however, we're finding it near-impossible.

Our 2017 plans seemed reasonable. They were in line with what we've tried to do in the last couple of years, but incorporating the data from previous years: actual dev time for new Exploit: Zero Day story jobs, actual time needed for marketing, conference schedules, etc.

With that in mind, we set ourselves up to work on two high intensity projects and a low-key one: EZD, Majesty of Colors, and Rosette LARP, respectively.


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One Year in Steam Greenlight

One Year in Steam Greenlight

Our creepy-funny adventure Ossuary has now been in the Steam Greenlight program for a year. It's frustrating and demoralizing, and we're sharing some details about our experience. Whether you are in Greenlight right now, are considering it, or just buy games on Steam, it's good to know what the process is like.

One year in, and we're 84% of the way to the top 100.

Images in this article are taken directly from Greenlight's stats page for Ossuary.


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