Ossuary: All-Original Demo and OS X Support in the Darkest Time of the Year

In the darkest time of the year, a light shines from the abyss: the bespoke Ossuary demo, “The Hodge-Podge Transformer,” accompanied by a Mac OS X version of the game.

It’s been a good shadow-season for us at Future Proof Games. Indie Statik recognized Ossuary as one of their favorite indie games of the year, saying “Ossuary is a giant, mirrored mystery box. It reflects human society while offering up puzzles within puzzles to discover and solve.” Others are buzzing about the game and the horrible truths it reveals as the latest game designed by Gregory Avery-Weir.

But there was still a cold stirring in our hearts: people with Macs couldn’t play our game natively, and there wasn’t a good way to try the game before you buy it. This was unacceptable: folks with all backgrounds, cybernetic enhancements, and operating systems should be able to experience the chill of the place of bones. More importantly, they should have a very good idea of what they are getting into before they’re trapped in a harsh underworld of lies.

How could we make a demo for a game that’s intricately interconnected and so dependent on puzzles and dialogue? You can’t just slice away a limb and expect it to operate on its own. Not with our current technology, and more is the pity.

So we made a demo with entirely new content.

Ossuary: The Hodge-Podge Transformer” takes place before Ossuary, letting the player navigate a strange middleworld occupied by inhuman beings in an attempt to continue on their path to the place of bones. It gives you a feeling for the nature of the beast while still keeping its sharpest teeth hidden behind a placating smile. Also, you can make sure it runs well on your computer.

Ossuary is available for Windows and OS X at: futureproofgames.com/games/ossuary/

The demo is available for online play and download on the major Flash portals and our own site: futureproofgames.com/games/ossuary/#demo

For more information, see our presskit at: futureproofgames.com/presskit/ossuary/

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