We've finished our "The Plague" release of Exploit: Zero Day! This is the final major release before we open EZD to the public, and follows "Cereal Killer".
The complete feature list of The Plague:
- Add store payment via PayPal (requested by player @omega12)
- Moderation tool: social isolation
- Make clusters/systems sorted by newest first, and make default Clusters view show others' clusters
- Ability to unfriend players
- Show avatars and clusters on players' account pages
- Get bonus scryp if the owner of a home cluster is your friend
- Add sharing by general link and remove G+ sharing (RIP)
- Add mailing list signup checkbox to account registration
- Reduce volume of sounds
- Improve tracking of sharing actions, registrations, and publicity changes
- Remove references to the alpha in assorted messaging across the site
- Various small UX improvements and bug fixes
Keep your ears peeled: we'll be announcing the date of EZD's opening soon! You can go ahead and sign up for the game now, and you'll get full access to all the free content when we open it up.
(Image credit: matt01ss on reddit)