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Future Proof Podcast 021 - Black Lives Matter

Future Proof Podcast 021 - Black Lives Matter

June is here, June is here! We cover a whole lot this month, and yet we don't even run long. Listen to this month's episode below or read the transcript.

Our topics this month include:

  1. Life in the time of fighting for racial justice
  2. DriveThruRPG's Black Lives Matter Charity Event (running until 6/21/2020) and the historic Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality (ended, but check those numbers!)
  3. Our Rosette Diceless 2nd anniversary supplement work
  4. Oh, and hey, "The Majesty of Colors" 2nd Anniversary Edition is out!

Remember, folks: black lives matter and black trans lives matter.

Here are some ways to contribute:

  2. Homeless Black Trans Women fund
  3. First Nations Development Institute COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

You can subscribe to this here podcast in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, via RSS feed, or using the YouTube playlist.

Our intro/outro music is "Juparo" by Broke for Free used with permission. Talk to us on Twitter, or on YouTube!

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