Rosette Diceless Companion Now Available

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Archives Sept. 20, 2021

Rosette Diceless Companion Arrives Sept 24

Rosette Diceless Companion Arrives Sept 24

On September 24, 2021, our companion volume to Rosette Diceless will be available for purchase in print, PDF, and epub formats. Rosette Diceless is our collaborative and consent-based storytelling system, and based on our years of running Rosette Diceless, we've compiled new optional rules, advice for Narrators and players in general, and new character options into a single volume for easy reference.

If you've played Rosette Diceless before: Does the pacing of Conflict feel tricky to you? Do you find that Focus isn't useful in your campaign? Would you like options for gaining resources and abilities as a group of characters? These topics and more are explored in the Companion's new material.

If you're a new player of the system, the options in this book will help you build a more flexible, customized campaign from the start.


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