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Archives 2024

Winter Sale 2024 Time on Itch and Steam!

Itch Winter Sale

The cold of winter has hit our studio (even if the solstice is tomorrow), and so we are also hit with more seasonal sales! If you want to pick up our creepily comedic Ossuary, our childishly colossal The Majesty of Colors Remastered, or our consensually collaborative Rosette Diceless ...

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All Games in the Autumn Sale 2024

Continuing the holiday sale season, all of our games on are 60% off! Not only that, but November 29th is Itch Creator Day, when the site doesn't even take a cut. If you've been waiting to pick up any of our games, now is the time!

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Spring Sales are Here!

All of our games on and Steam are on sale until Thursday, March 21! Both sites are holding their spring sales, and it's a great time to pick up or gift any of our games.

Most of our games are 50% off on for the duration. "The Majesty of Colors" is 10% off (meaning it's only $1.79)! Ossuary and "The Majesty of Colors" come with Steam keys when purchased on


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Corrupted Nodes for Exploit: Zero Day

Corrupted Nodes for Exploit: Zero Day

This was originally an essay in our newsletter. Subscribe to get essays like this when they're originally released.

As soon as we first started making a sequel to Gregory's old Flash game Exploit, we were discussing what we wanted to change about the game's nodes. As the core of the puzzles, they are the building blocks for what's possible in the game.

In the end, we settled on relatively few changes. The mostly-superfluous Directory node from the first game was replaced with the Flipflop, which allowed for changes in puzzles' state that didn't wear off over time (and eliminated the need for the "antiblocker" added to Exploit in a post-release update). That was the state of the game in 2014 when we welcomed our first players.


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