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Future Proof Podcast 036 - Ooh, That Looks Good!

Future Proof Podcast 036 - Ooh, That Looks Good!

Autumn has arrived in our hemisphere, and we bring with us some studio updates. Please note that we recorded this episode before the Colorado Springs shooting, so it's not mentioned in the ep. Right-wing bigotry and violence is an attempt to make us all afraid to be our authentic selves. Trans Liberation Now!

You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.

We talk about:

  1. A recent mini-retreat we took
  2. Social media updates, with the recent purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk: we're now also on cohost, although we aren't entirely sure what the right way to be in that space is
  3. Upcoming sales:
    1. We're currently in the November Creator Day Sale: our games are 60% off and takes no cut of the sales on the first day.
    2. The Steam Autumn Sale is also on, and our games are 50% off.
    3. The TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida Bundle will be starting soon, and we'll blog and tweet about it.
    4. Steam has publicly posted their upcoming major seasonal sales, which is weird, but here you go.

You can subscribe to this podcast in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, via RSS feed, or using the YouTube playlist.

Our intro/outro music is "Juparo" by Broke for Free used with permission. Talk to us on Twitter, or on YouTube!

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