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Future Proof Podcast 034 - Human Rights

Future Proof Podcast 034 - Human Rights

We're back with a slightly unusual episode! There's some serious talk up front, talk about an update, and we wrap with some fun game recommendations. You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.

We talk about:

  1. US politics - the overturning of Roe v Wade, the beautiful existence of queer people, and workers' rights and solidarity
    1. "Roe v. Wade: What You Can Do" is a great document that provides guidance on donating, volunteering, and information sharing
    2. The Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds is donating to the National Network for Abortion Fund's Collective Power Fund
  2. An Exploit: Zero Day fix for thumbnail generation
  3. The and Steam summer sales
    1. has both Rosette Diceless books, "(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors", and Ossuary for 60% off
    2. Steam has "(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors" and Ossuary for 50% off
  4. Games we're playing: Beat Saber, Warframe, Shadows of Forbidden Gods, Half Life: Alyx, Hardspace Shipbreaker, Ynglet

You can subscribe to this podcast in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, via RSS feed, or using the YouTube playlist.

Our intro/outro music is "Juparo" by Broke for Free used with permission. Talk to us on Twitter, or on YouTube!

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