Rosette Diceless Companion Now Available

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Future Proof Podcast 029 - Rosette Diceless Companion Release Date

Future Proof Podcast 029 - Rosette Diceless Companion Release Date

It is finally here! The Rosette Diceless Companion will be out on September 24, 2021. This is a wee little episode in which Melissa gives the details on the what and where of the books. You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.

I promise a slew of links in the podcast, so here we go:

  1. All things Rosette
  2. Rosette Diceless Companion
  3. Rosette Diceless errata for online reading or download
  4. Our full announcement post that includes written details of which storefronts will have particular formats for purchase

You can subscribe to this podcast in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, via RSS feed, or using the YouTube playlist.

Our intro/outro music is "Juparo" by Broke for Free used with permission. Talk to us on Twitter, or on YouTube!

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