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Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

We're happy to announce the completion of another Exploit: Zero Day named release. Implementation on "Cereal Killer" is done!

"Cereal Killer" contained some user-facing fixes as well as some stuff behind-the-scenes. The changelist includes:

  • The addition of clusters to account pages
  • Better emails and the option to subscribe to our ...

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Ace Systems Go! Released

Ace Systems Go! Released

Our Ace Jam 2019 game, "Ace Systems Go!" is now available on for Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms.

It's tricky piloting a delivery ship for Caudacious, an... unsanctioned personitarian group dedicated to filling in gaps where "official" help organizations can't get in fast enough.

Fortunately, your family ...

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