We're kicking off the new year with two inevitables in life: taxes and beloved video games! You can listen to this month's episode below, read the transcript, or watch it on YouTube.
...Category archives: Business
"The Majesty of Colors" Is Leaving iOS
on inBy September 22, 2023, "(I Fell in Love With) The Majesty of Colors" will no longer be available for purchase in the Apple App Store. People who have already downloaded "The Majesty of Colors" will not lose the game, and if you restore your device from an iCloud/iTunes backup, you can redownload it.
We're sad to see it go! Unfortunately, Apple has a policy that is forcing us to push an update (even an update containing no changes) just to keep "The Majesty of Colors" in the store. As we wrote back in 2022 when we ended Mac support, we don't use Macs ourselves and don't have easy or free access to them.
...Future Proof Podcast 038 - Only Thirteen Years Too Late
, on inSpring is arriving, bringing fresh vigor! You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...It's Summer Sale Time!
on inCool off in the company of friends, the depths of the sea, or the quiet hush of the grave. Unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case we provide warm bodies, a sunny beach, or the quiet hush of the grave. All of our games on Itch.io are 60% ...
The itch.io Summer Sale is Here!
on inFeel that toasty sun baking away your winter crust? It's summer sale time! All of our games on Itch.io are 60% off until July 1!
Remember, Itch.io will have the deepest discount of any of the storefronts we discount our games on. "The Majesty of Colors Remastered" and ...
What We Did On Our Fall Vacation
on inA couple months ago, we realized that we've worked essentially continually on Future Proof Games for years. The two of us have had day jobs, and have tried to maintain a work/life balance, but nights, weekends, and free days still felt like they were, by default, time for FPG work. ...
Ossuary Half Off in Humble Store Spring Sale 2020!
Written by Business.
on inSpring showers have washed the lovely Humble Store Spring Sale onto our shores! Even in the place of bones, one can find signs of growth and rebirth.
Ossuary is half off! The sale ends May 21, 2020 at 10 AM Pacific time.
Join the Future Proof Newsletter
on inOne of the findings of our community survey is that... people kinda like newsletters? And they want to hear from us in one.
We're pretty glad about that, because we like making newsletters.
Given that, we'll be retiring our Exploit: Zero Day newsletter and inviting you to subscribe to our Future Proof Games newsletter.
...Ending Dec 10: Give Your Opinion, Get a Copy of The Majesty of Colors
Written by Business.
on inIn case you've forgotten or hadn't heard, we're running a survey until December 10 on how to best reach and connect with you. Give us a few minutes of your time to answer some questions about our work and communication, and get a free copy of "The Majesty of Colors" for PC or mobile.
...We'd Love Some Advice!
Written by Business.
on inWe're still learning how to update our fans and let new folks know about our work. We figure you might know better than us, so we've set up a survey to get your feedback!
If you can spare a few minutes, please answer a few questions about our work and ...