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Author archives: Gregory

Exploit: Zero Day and Twitter

Exploit: Zero Day and Twitter

You've probably heard about some of the shenanigans going on at Twitter. The big thing that affects us here at Future Proof Games is that they've shifted their support for developers using their authentication API: communicating less and arbitrarily cutting off access.

We're updating Exploit: Zero Day to hopefully comply with the new access rules that they announced with very short notice. We're pretty sure that Twitter login will continue working past April 29, the date they've said they'll shut down some older ways to interact with their systems.


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Discounts in Trans Rights Bundle and Steam Spring Sale

Discounts in Trans Rights Bundle and Steam Spring Sale

If you're looking for a good deal on some good games, you're in luck! Most of our titles are currently available for a discounted price!

Rosette Diceless and its Companion are currently in the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, which collects over 500 tabletop roleplaying items that you ...

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Future Proof Podcast 036 - Ooh, That Looks Good!

Future Proof Podcast 036 - Ooh, That Looks Good!

Autumn has arrived in our hemisphere, and we bring with us some studio updates. Please note that we recorded this episode before the Colorado Springs shooting, so it's not mentioned in the ep. Right-wing bigotry and violence is an attempt to make us all afraid to be our authentic selves. Trans Liberation Now!

You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.


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Future Proof Podcast 032 - Bit Rot

Future Proof Podcast 032 - Bit Rot

February has come and gone, but this episode is coming out anyway! You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.

We don't mention it in the podcast on account of the timing of our recording, but you still have a couple days to pick up the Bundle for Ukraine over on Almost 1000 games (including ours!) for a minimum of $10, with all proceeds going to the International Medical Corps and Voices of Children.


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