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Tag archives: headless-swarm

Headless Swarm's "Remote Terminal" Released

Headless Swarm's "Remote Terminal" Released

Today, we've released "Remote Terminal", which is the 6th job in "Headless Swarm", our first paid season of story in Exploit: Zero Day.

From sk3tch's introductory message to you, the player:

Hey, uh, what's up with your whole drone hacker situation? I'm watching the local news and the Charlotte airport is being buzzed by, like, twenty-three civilian drones? It's... kind of a big deal and the local news has progressed from "local human interest story" to "waiting for a report from Homeland Security."

Someone's trying to scare people, and I think we both know who.


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Future Proof Podcast 014

We're back in action! Listen to this month's episode below or read the transcript online.

We cover a few topics:

  • Our community survey is out! It's the first time we've done a wide push to get advice and feedback of this sort, and we appreciate everyone who fills it ...

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Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

We're happy to announce the completion of another Exploit: Zero Day named release. Implementation on "Cereal Killer" is done!

"Cereal Killer" contained some user-facing fixes as well as some stuff behind-the-scenes. The changelist includes:

  • The addition of clusters to account pages
  • Better emails and the option to subscribe to our ...

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