Spring is arriving, bringing fresh vigor! You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...Future Proof Podcast 037 - Holiday Update
Written by News.
on inJust a wee little update on how the holiday season is going over here.
You can listen below and/or read the transcript.
You can subscribe to this podcast in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, via RSS feed, or using the YouTube playlist.
Future Proof Podcast 036 - Ooh, That Looks Good!
Written by News.
, on inAutumn has arrived in our hemisphere, and we bring with us some studio updates. Please note that we recorded this episode before the Colorado Springs shooting, so it's not mentioned in the ep. Right-wing bigotry and violence is an attempt to make us all afraid to be our authentic selves. Trans Liberation Now!
You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...Steam Autumn Sale 2022
Written by News.
on inOur games on Steam are currently discounted in the huge 2022 Steam Autumn Sale! Both "The Majesty of Colors Remastered" and Ossuary are half-off!
Future Proof Podcast 035 - Choices You Make and Have Made
Written by News.
on inThis episode is a deep dive on Exploit: Zero Day's "Headless Swarm". We talk about what it is, how it's structured and designed, and a few technical details behind it. You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...Future Proof Podcast 034 - Human Rights
, on inWe're back with a slightly unusual episode! There's some serious talk up front, talk about an update, and we wrap with some fun game recommendations. You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...It's Summer Sale Time!
on inCool off in the company of friends, the depths of the sea, or the quiet hush of the grave. Unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case we provide warm bodies, a sunny beach, or the quiet hush of the grave. All of our games on Itch.io are 60% ...
Future Proof Podcast 033 - Turns Out It Was a Bug
Written by News.
, on inApril brought some deep personal tragedy on top of the broader world struggles, but we are here with a short episode! You can listen below, read the transcript, or watch the video.
...Ossuary Updated to 1.8.2
Written by Releases.
on inWe've updated our weird philosophical dark comedy Ossuary to version 1.8.2. This update fixes an issue where the framerate would drop when moving diagonally.
Note that we no longer support Mac, so we're afraid this update applies only to Windows.
If you own the game through Steam, it will ...
Django-presskit() 1.3.1 Released
Written by Releases.
on inOn February 8, our Django port of Rami Ismail's developer/press utility presskit() got updated to version 1.3.1 with some security-related package upgrades, including both Pillow and Django.
You can get django-presskit() on Github and pypi! If you have any questions about how to set it up, reach out.