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FPG Update Podcast 001 - Rosette Diceless, GDPR, and Jenkins Pipelines

FPG Update Podcast 001 - Rosette Diceless, GDPR, and Jenkins Pipelines

We're doing something new this month: chatting about the work we're doing in a short podcast! Legitimately short: it's only 15 minutes including our dope intro/outro music, "Juparo" by Broke for Free, licensed under CC-BY 3.0.

Give a listen below or read the transcript online or as a ...

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What's Happening on Exploit: Zero Day These Days?

What's Happening on Exploit: Zero Day These Days?

We've been heads down on remastering "(I Fell in Love with) The Majesty of Colors" the last few months (along with getting Rosette Dramatic LARP to a stopping point). We wrote about our realizations on project multitasking earlier this year, so we've tried to focus down as much as is reasonable.

That means that the in-flight game most left alone is Exploit: Zero Day, our cyberthriller puzzle game.


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"Internet All the Things" in Exploit: Zero Day

"Internet All the Things" in Exploit: Zero Day

"Headless Swarm" (the first paid story for Exploit: Zero Day) now has the fourth hacking job in the season, "Internet All the Things." In this job, find out what the two antagonists are up to by hacking someone's house.

We've also published two side jobs that you might get access to as you aggravate or placate the two parties. These jobs don't have puzzles, but provide insight into a few of the characters in the EZD saga. Those were really fun to write! One is from an antagonist introduced in "Headless Swarm"; the other is Chamunda, a long-time EZD character that's a loyal employee of Samsara Digital with a low opinion of hackers.


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Chaoflux 2017 Sale

Chaoflux 2017 Sale

It can't be denied that we are in a season of Chaos, that primordial wellspring from which springs all sense and nonsense. To celebrate the turning of this season, on the holyday of Chaoflux, consider spending time at the beginning of the end of all things. Purchase Ossuary, an ...

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