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Back From GDC 2015

Back From GDC 2015

Picture is of Jodediah Holem's sculpture made from his games.

We've returned from the 2015 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco! It was an intimidating and inspiring time. We were energized to do creative things and think critically about our work as well as reminded that we have a ...

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Consent In Roleplaying

Consent In Roleplaying

How much control do you have over what happens to your character in a tabletop RPG? Can people do things to your character without your permission? Do you want them to?

In most mainstream tabletop roleplaying games, you control your character's actions but not what happens to them. You choose how they feel about events, but not the other effects. A combination of the rules and the game master's judgment decides whether your character gets scared, hurt, or killed.

There's a different way.


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Ossuary: One Year Later

Hello! Gregory here. Almost a year ago we released our dark, funny, satirical game Ossuary. It's a story about descending into a static underworld, talking to the people there, and corrupting them with sins that are really virtues.

A year on, it's a good time to look back and talk about how the game was made and received. In short: those who played it seem to have really liked it and understood where it was coming from, but it hasn't had the exposure, popularity, or sales that we wanted from it.


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GDC Next - Cool First Conference

Both of us attended GDC Next 2014 November 3-4. It was a cozy conference, focusing primarily on non-development topics: marketing, social media, business development. Both of us feel pretty lacking in these areas, and so eagerly hopped on too-early flights to attend.

Rather than give a boring session-by-session description of what I attended and learned, here's discussion on some of the highlights:


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