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Author archives: Gregory

Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

Exploit: Zero Day - Cereal Killer

We're happy to announce the completion of another Exploit: Zero Day named release. Implementation on "Cereal Killer" is done!

"Cereal Killer" contained some user-facing fixes as well as some stuff behind-the-scenes. The changelist includes:

  • The addition of clusters to account pages
  • Better emails and the option to subscribe to our ...

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More on Resources and Setbacks

More on Resources and Setbacks

We've been writing a series of supplementary materials for Rosette Diceless that go into detail on some optional or situational play scenarios. Our most recent piece is "More on Resources and Setbacks;" it explores the nature of these transitory properties and gives some options for adjusting or enhancing ...

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Alternate Play Structures in Rosette Diceless

Alternate Play Structures in Rosette Diceless

We're posting a series of supplementary materials for Rosette Diceless that go into more detail than was appropriate for the main book. Our most recent piece, "Alternate Play Structures," explores options for structuring narration in a looser and more collaborative way than the Conflict system described in the ...

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